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Movie Poster (Photo Manipulation)

I remember when I was about 7-8 years old, in my Dad's DJ'ing days, he use to go to movie rental places (before the Blockbusters & Rogers Video days) there was a movie rental store a few blocks away from the neighborhood, it was called "Marmaduke". I remember like it was yesterday, my sister use to work there. Anyway, my Dad use to collect all the outdated movie posters, the store use to give them to my Dad for free. He would get home and glue the posters all over the basement walls, where he had all his DJ equipment. So I've been fascinated with movie posters since I was a young kid.

Here's a detailed picture of this photo manipulation/movie poster I designed just recently.

- Photo of old man with beard.

- Photo of deserted highway.

- Photo of lightning storm, which I used to replace the background sky on the deserted highway picture.

- I added 2 Harley-Davidson choppers, layered with high beam lights at the front of the bike.

- Also added 2 models, one of being the rapper named Nas, not exactly sure who the female model is.

- A truck was also added in the background, layered with high beams for the truck lights.

- Added filter, hue & saturation, color enhancement, color filters, brightness & contrasts.

I personally think the end results are awesome, or maybe I'm too fascinated with movie posters? I dunno, but I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. I will do my best to post blogs as much as I can and keep it strictly about Photoshop and graphic designing, I mean, after all, this is a graphic design website right? PS: "Tripl3 Thr3at - The Movie" is not real, please don't check your local theater for viewings. Follow us on Twitter: @OttawaGraphics1

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